Our Directors


James 1:27  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. NIV

Director/Founder Mrs. Nyzia Easterling


April 9, 2003 was a night that drastically changed the life of the late James Brown’s wife Nyzia and their God-daughter Jennah. While sitting on a porch on (Broadway) Viola st, two men opened fire on him leaving his body riddled with 30 bullet holes. James died five days later. For Nyzia and Jennah, the journey of healing was not without its challenges. As a mother, Nyzia felt it was her role as a mother to make sure Jennah did not define her life by this tragedy. She kept Jennah busy with academic and leisure activities. They both received counseling individually and together as a family.

From 2003-2010, Nyzia focused on her recovery along with Jennah’s. On the anniversary of James’s death, Nyzia launched Saving Grace in 2011. The organization would help families, like hers who were affected by the violent death of their love ones. The program would offer counseling, activities and tutorial help to children and assistance for the parent/guardian of the children involved with the program.

For Nyzia, part of her path to healing was forgiving the three individuals (two of which were juveniles) that were responsible for the death of her husband. She realizes they have to live with what they have done and hopefully inspire others to find it in their hearts to do the same.

Nyzia has a daughter named Eternity and son Rashiem. She has found happiness again but will never forget the impact of the life and death of her (first) husband and how the work that she does is the best way to uphold his memory and his legacy.




Assistant Director ( Philadelphia Chapter) Ms. Nikka Mickle

Asst. Director- Nikka Mickle

Originally from East Orange, Nikka Mickle made her home in Philadelphia after graduating from Temple University with her son Nicholas. For Nikka, its imperative that the families she works with sees her as a comforting source and that the children know someone is rooting for their success. Nikka Mickle attends the North Philadelphia SDA Church and works active with the AYS ( Adventist Youth Department) Department, Adventures, and Theater & Dance Ministry as well.


Directors @ New years eve gospel cabaret given to youth….

saving grace 348


“Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.”  Henry Ward Beecher

1 Comment

  1. Hi Nyzia,
    I work with Sandy at Urban Promise. Would it be possible for you to email me as I would like to communicate with you about one of our students. Thank you so much.


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